
History Report: Ancient Roman civilazation-The Third Punic war to the start of triarchies.

  The Third Punic War
The 20-Year war finshed as the surrender of Cartago. Cartago and Rome makes a treaty, its qualifications are....
1. Cartago shouldn't even loaf around Espana or go out from Carthage's North African land
2. Cartago must give out 1million talent for compensation in 15 years.
3. Cartago must be our rally and never to attack Rome. Also, Cartago could only claim wars when Rome admits it.
After this treaty, Rome emerge as the owner of the Mediterrenian sea. While they prepares for a war between Greece, Cartago slowly takes back their original position........when Rome feels anxiety in the air and rallies with Numidia right beside Cartago. Unfortunately for the Carthages, Rome called Numidia and commanded them to attack Cartago and- if you see the treaty, you could see in number 3 that Rome had taken away all of Cartago's military control power.
   Humiliated Cartago put away the treaty and attacked Numidia but when Rome tried to attack themselves, they, scared had to ask for forgiveness to protect themselves.
   Rome didn't forgive them of course-the treaty was made to destroy Cartago. Carthages got aware of this, causing the last Punic war in history. I'm sad to say that this was the last of Cartago. After the war, Scipio prepared a place to live for the rest of the Carthages at far end of Africa. Rome had this Punic war for approximately 100 years, and to remind you-Rome was only a rally of many other small countries in the Mediterranian until Rome won and took away the freedom of rallied countries'
Rome, after taking away the freedom of countries that were once rallied with them, collected many costly things from their colony. Many golds flowed through Rome, causing them to be the center of all attention and Europe. Roman aristrocrat's assets increased, wherease poor farmers and sharecroppers kept losing money. This took a serious problem in the Roman republic-status were getting seperated step by step.
   On 134 B.C., a Roman politician named Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus apears on stage. He, humiliated by watching too many vain for luxury and the famishing people under the Roman aristrocrats, he carries out the 'Gracchus Reformation'. The Roman aristrocrats stood up, disputing the new reformation. This caused the murder of Tiberius. To repay his brother's resentments, Tiberius' younger brother, Gaius Gracchus started two enterprises........
 1. A bridge and a food storage to be made
 2. Buy food from farmers in a prohibitive price and sell it to commoners in a low price.
This certainly brought anxiety to the aristrocrats. They also killed Gaius like his brother. These two brothers' new reformation had been turned to bubbles.

 After the death of the Gracchus brothers, commoners & farmers continued to resist the aristrocrats. This caused them to be in arm of conflicts, fortunately ended when an absolutist, thus an emperer hold its power in Roman history-Julius Cesar.

   Who is he-Julius Cesar-a man of vanity in power who born in 100 B.C., murdered by Brutus in 44B.C.
Whilst he was working as a military officer in Espana, there were also two other men who had hunger for power. Marcus Lichinious Crausus & Pompeii. They had absolute fame in Rome until the jealous aristrocrats kicked them off from their status. When Cesar returns to Rome, he gets aware that aristrocrats are going to murder him so before anyone takes care of him, he directly goes to Crausus & Pompeii. May I claim that this is the first triarchy of Rome.   

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