
Tuck Everlasting by Natallie Babbit

Have you ever wished you could be 'immortal'? Tuck Everlasting, a book written by Natallie Babbit shows us how living immortaly could cause our own destruction. Winnie Foster has everything a young woman could desire. She comes from a well-bred, wealthy, and respected family. She dresses in the finest clothes and is afforded every opportunity to refine herself. But Winnie finds that the heat of summer is not nearly as stifling as her gilded cage. She longs for freedom, for adventure. She escapes one morning to explore the woods surrounding her family's home, and encounters the Tucks, a close-knit family with a mysterious past that begs the question: If you could live forever, would you? And just when Winnie believes she has answered that question for herself, a mysterious man looking to profit from the source of the Tuck's immortality that will have her question her life, her desires, and what is the right thing to do. And in the end, learns, that death is not what is to be feared, but an unlived life
  After reading this story I, contrary to my opinions before reading, felt a change in my own heart. If there is no death, there would no life, no creation, and no development of technology between humans. Life will be boring because of the repeated days and people will fall in depression.
  I felt very sorry for the Tucks who had to stay and struggle not to get arrested or get suspicion. It will be also hard to follow the new technologies and the cycle of life happening in Earth.
 The man in the yellow suit had tried to take of his own advantage by selling the 'immortal water' and destroying the human cycle of life and death. I think this book is worth to talk about a lot and share opinions with.
  It's very lucky to have life, and death though there would be some sorrow inside our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. You did a really good job. I think I have to write a book review too..
