
Newton HIGHLIGHT 우주의 형상과 역사 -내용 정리 편-

 1. 우주관의 변천
고대의 우주관
지도자는 나라를 지배하고 백성들을 권력으로 누르기 위해 자연의 법칙을 자기 것으로 만드는 것이 필요했다.  그래서 그들은 달력이나 점성술을 개발했다
  인도의 우주관:  거대한 뱀이 우주, 무한을 상징하고, 거대한 거북 위에는 코끼리가 있어 대지를 떠받친다.
  고대 이집트의 우주관: 이집트에는 세상에 존재하는 모든 것에 영혼이 깃들어 있다고 생각했다. 하늘의 신 누트와 대지의 신 게브 사이에서 하늘을 떠받치는 공기의 신 슈가 그려저 있다.
  고대에는 별의 움직임과 행성의 움직임을 자세히 관측할 수 있는 특별한 관측 기구가 없었기 때문에 각 나라의 우주관이  서로 달랐던 것 같다.

종교의 굴레에서 자유로워지다
프롤레마이오스는 천동설의 체계를 완성시켰다. 그의 설은 그 당시 가장 정밀하게 설계되어있었기 때문에 코르페니쿠스의 태양 중심설이 나오기 전까지 천문학의 중심이 되었다.
 1608년 망원경이 발견되면서 갈릴레이는 여러 위성과 행성을 관찰한다. 목성 주위에 위성이 4개가 있는 것을 보고 천동설이 틀렸다고 생각하게 된다.
  사진, 망원경, 분광학을 통해 우주를 더욱 더 정밀하게 관측할 수 있게 된다.

광원뿔을 팽창 우주에 적용해 보면?
팽창하는 공간에서 빛이 지구에 도달하기 어려워진다. 광속은 유한하지만 공간이 팽창하기 때문에 지구에 도달하는 시간이 점점 길어진다. 그래서 우주도를 그리면 몇천만년 전의 빛의 이동량의 우주 팽창률에 따라 변하면서 물방울 모양이 그려진다.

*내 생각 증명
[가정] 우주에는 끝이 있다, 그리고 우주는 절대로 팽창하지 않는다, 우주 끝까지 갈수 있는 기술이 있다
 [결론] 우주에는 끝이 없고 계속 팽창한다
[증명] 우주인이 우주 끝에 도달했다고 생각하자. 그가 우주 끝을 넘어서 '무(없을 무)에 진입했다고 하면, 그의 몸 내부 기압과 외부 기압이 맞지 않아 그는 터져서(잔인하게도) 죽게 된다. 그의 몸을 이루는 여러 원소들은 '무' 안에 떠돌아 다니게 된다. '가정'이 틀렸다. 그러므로 우주에는 끝이 없고 계속 팽창한다.

우주의 역사
 중력의 탄생-인플레이션(바이러스 크기의 우주가 은하계 몇 초 만에 은하계 크기로 커지는 팽창)-빅뱅(인플레이션으로 인한 에너지가 열에너지로 바뀌어 우주의 근원적 물질이 만들어진다.)-쿼크가 결합해 양성자 중성자 탄생-헬륨,수소 등 가벼운 원소 탄생

특집: 블랙홀
 태양보다 10배 이상 무거운 별 중 블랙홀로 생을 마감하는 별들이 있다. 별이 늙어질 수록 중력이 커지면서 전자가 중성자 속으로 빨려들어가게 된다 이렇게 고밀도가 형성된다. 최고의 속도를 자랑하는 빛도 블랙홀도 빨려들어가게 된다.


Science 101-Biology -the story

Mirale woke up. She looked around and realized that she was riding a canoe. Her family were there looking at something.
 "Look." Michael gestured towards a collection of big jelly blobs-which I mean cells of course.
 "That one is called a tissue." A wheezy voice talked. It was the worker who had given them the brochure.
"A tissue is a collection of cells. They work together to perform a particular function. There are four primary types of tissue:
1. Epithelial tissue they are the guard of body surfaces and makes specific substances
2. Muscle tissue move. They produce movement so that we can walk, run, jump, and do all kinds of things. This muscle is attached to the bones. If you don't have any muscles and only bones, Your body will either collaspe or stay still. Now, these muscles come in three forms-remember: voluntary muscle, involuntary muscle and cardiac muscle. Voluntary muscle volunteer if they want to activate or not. Put your right hand up please-yes the reason why you were able to put your hand up was because of the voluntary muscle. 
  Involuntary muscle have no rights to choose if they want to commence acting or not. They have to get activated automatically. For example, such as that of the intestine; the stomach starts activating when foods come pouring down, and you don't have to say "stomach activate" in your mind. Cardiac muscle are found only in the heart. The continues on beating even though there are no stimulating objects from outside. They keep beating when you are studying, they keep beating when you're running(bit more faster), they keep beating even when you're asleep.....
3. Connective tissue connect. Right. As the words say: connect, like a bridge. They support, pack, and defense. Connective tissue includes bones, cartilage, blood, and lymph
4. Nervous tissue consists of neurons, or nerve cells. They conduct electrochemical impulses in our body. Neurons response to stimuli, control and communicate.

"Oh no." Michael fainted. A massive wave of liquid was coming towards them. Mirlae picked up an oar and started rowing. "You don't need to......" the worker couldn't finish his word. Mirale lost her equilibrium and fell over the boat. Mr. McHill reached out for her hand, but the current was too strong, and he lost his grip.
 " She will be ok. No need to be anxious." the worker comforted Mr. McHill.
 Meanwhile, the fast current helped Mirale to swim back to the boat. But instead of climbing aboard, Mirale took out a pair of waterproof stick-gloves and sticked on to the under-side of the canoe. She had excellent skills as an atheletic spy. Mirale wanted to find out the mystery of the biological theme park.
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Science 101-Biology -the story

chap.4 Unexpected Events
  "Finished?" Mirale asked carefully, trying not to stimulate her father to talk about cells more. "Well, we haven't escaped this ugly blob yet." Michale said.
  "We learned about the 'gate keepers'. Maybe we could use that fact to escape here." Mrs. McHill proposed.
  "We are bigger than water molecules, so it means that we need a carrier molecule to get out of here. But where in the world...."
  "Ah! Here it is!" Michael held up a bottle labeled 'Human carrier molecule'.
 The McHill family started smudging the liquid inside the bottle on their body and soon, they were out.

Outside, everything was covered in fog. Mirale and Michael wanted to go back home, but their parents kept walking uphill until they approached a door which led to some-uh....... a tollbooth without any windows.
  Mirale got frustrated. What was this boring theme park all about?

Her mother, father, and even Michael had already gone through the door. It was her turn to go inside.
  Everything looked pitch dark inside. She reached out her hand and touched for her parents, but nothing was felt except the cold air.
  "Michael?" She called out but her voice echoed-no reply. It was odd, that her voice echoed inside the small tollbooth. Mirale was infuriated at herself for showing her father the invitation card in the first place.
  'Nothing will get better if I don't help them.' she thought and stepped inside, with her chest puffed of half-courage and half-dread.
  The door slammed shut behind her. Mirale tried to open the door but it was locked. Now it was totally dark.
   She stretched out her hand and she could touch the wall surrounding her. WHERE ARE THEY? She was now furious. They couldn't have gotten out of here without a backdoor. Somewhere an exit..... She stepped closer to the wall but as she stepped forward, a trapdoor opened and the gravity pulled her down.....down.......down. Mirale McHill passed out mercifully.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Jane is a orphan who lives in her mother's sister-in-law, Mrs. Reed's house. Gateshead is a nice, rich place to live but the people living there-aunt Reed and her children-has no warm soul. Jane is treated unfairly but unlike other girls of her age, she defenses herself with spirit and courage, in belief that she will be able to escape this house in someday. And on that day, Jane is sent to a girl charity school owned by Mr. Broklehust. She spends her time learning for 10 years, and ultimately secures a humble status as a governess in the household of Mr. Rochester. Jane's shrp wit and defiant nature impresses both his heart and mind. Jane also begins to love him. The two becomes connected;into a deep bond. Unfortunately, Jane learns the fact that Mr. Rochester had a wife before, and that she became a lunatic, so Mr. Rochester locked her up in a small room. 
  Learning this, Jane decides to leave him and make new experiences. Time passes by and Jane starts finding Mr. Rochester. She first goes back to Thronfield, but a butler who had worked for Mr. Rochester's father, told her a terrible story that the lunatic woman-Mr. Rochester's first wife-had died in a fire she had made and Mr. Rochester became stone-blinded. Jane eventually finds Mr. Rochester and the story ends as Jane marrying Mr. Rochester.

 Even though the novel 'Jane Eyre' seems to be only complexed love stories, there is a significant amount of deeper social commentary on another level. Charlotte bronte, the author, used a fictional stroyline to explore class relations and the possibility of love out of marriage. I think she tried to show her thoughts that love can be made unrelated to class and criticize the Victorian culture.
  I think it was thoughtful but also somewhat cold-hearted of Jane. She loved Mr. Rochester, but she ran away from him because of his first wife.
  Well, I have read many phrases and had an impression that Jane was too high-spritual that she is cold-hearted.
 After reading this book, I came to think about the meaning of love. As I'm in middle school, I could see many girls and boys hanging out and exchanging love letters. Watching this, I always kept a question in my mind: Do they mean real 'love'? Can they sacrifice themselves for each other? What does love mean?
 I got the answer to my quesiton after reading Jane Eyre. Love is a deep feeling, lovers could sacrifice each other and love them though they change their outside features: property, clothes, face etc. What's important is their inside.


Science 101-Biology -the story

chap.3 the building blocks of life
"Don't be so quick Mirale." said her father. "We are going to thank our destiny for giving you-Michael and  Mirale, the chance to study biology."
  "Well, you can answer the question first and tell things later." Michael scowled. But his father had already started talking:
Cells are the building blocks of life. Our body is made up of approximately 10 trillion cells and there are a lot of amazing things that they can do.
 Inside a cell, there a lot of smaller organells, as you see right now. The nucleus controls the cell's activities. They send signals to other organells in the cell. Also, they have chromosomes, which contains DNA, the nucleic acid that makes up an organism's genes.
 A mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell. It has enzymes that converts the chemical energy in food into another form of energy that a cell can use.
The ribosome alters protein that has been secreted by the cell as residue into hormones or digestive enzymes.
 A lysosome contains enzymes which breaks down food or foreign particles. White blood cells' lysosome can destroy bacteria.
Now as a finale, the cell membrane could be called as a 'gatekeeper'. The gatekeeper may let water molecules or molecules dissolved in water to pass through the cells, but they would not allow bigger molecules or molecules of certain chemical composition. If we call this 'transportation', it could be divided into passive transportation and active transportation. Passive transportation does not use energy to move molecules. Instead, the molecules dissolve in water and move by themselves, following the current of the ordinary concentration gradient. Whereas the active one is against concentration gradient. In an effort to move from a lesser concentration to greater concentration, they expend out energy. The carrier molecules combine with a molecule bigger than water molecule, and it leads it in or out from the cell.(White blood cell expends out energy to engulf an invading bacteria.)
 And here comes out a question:'If we grow taller and bigger, do the cells also grow bigger too?' The answer is 'no'. Instead, they increase in numbers. But.....how? They divide themselves of course!


Science 101-biology -the story

chap2. The building blocks of life
Mirale stepped out of the car. The carboots yard was enormous and the Biology Park was taking up the whole area. Surprisingly, there were no people-only the workers and the McHill family.
  They was no ticket box, so they showed the invitation card to a worker.
  "Welcome in" he wheezed and handed them a brocheure
It was a map of the theme park. There were 10 rooms organized with tents. 
 Mr. McHill walked into the tent-"The building blocks of life" it said.
The room was filled with round, jelly-like substances and inside it were smaller things what looked like cell organells. Michael touched the jelly-like substance and even without a moment to scream, the jelly like substance opened its mouth(?) and sucked him inside.
  Soon, the McHill family-not including Michael-was fighting to take turns touching the jelly-like substance. When they were all sucked inside, they could see cell organells were floating around.
'Wow, it's...." Mrs. McHill didn't finish her sentence.
 Mirale touched an organell she learned in class as 'mitochondria'. Suddenly a large voice started booming:YOU CAN EASILY COME IN, BUT CAN'T GO OUT-'I learned that' Michael snarled as he punched at the wall of the jelly like substance, or the membrane-YOU HAVE TO SOLVE PROBLEMS IF YOU WANT TO GO OUT.
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SCIENCE 101-Biology -the story

1.An invitation
Mirale picked up a letter from the fireplace. 'Michael must have left it here'. She thought, but Michael wasn't up yet-besides he wasn't interested in reading envelopes.
  Mirale tore out an invitation card. It said:

                      Invitation to BIOLOGY LAND         
 Enjoy science in science land-lots of thrills!!!
        Have fun learning biology!!!
             Your last chance!              
 Place: Newmond caboots yard  Time: 12/8/9 6.a.m~10.p.m.

Mirale frowned. She thought it was only a waste of time to go to the theme park when both her parents were biologists.
  That night she showed the invitation to her father. Unexpectedly, he looked quiet interested in it.
 "My children," Mr. McHill called Mirale and Michael 'my children' when he was going to announce something. "It would certainly be interesting to learn biology in theme parks." he continued. " I suggest our family visit the park for a short holiday trip and since that day is our wedding anniversary, it could also be our honeymoon." father eyed mum.
  "But..." Michael started to protest. "No buts!" Mrs. McHill said sternly. "Can't you realize the date?" Michael blurted out.
  "Oh! It's tomorrow! Then I think we should start packing right now."
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Hi my name is Park So Eun and I live in South Korea. I know that some of you may even not know our country since it's very small compared to other countries. To give basic informations, although we don't have many natural resources, the industrial structure is highly elevated, which means that South Korea has developed in technological industries(nano technology, sky aviation, semiconductor industry)
   South Korea has many famous idols who coes abroad like Girls Generation, SHINEE, and TVXQ. There are other idols too. psy's ganam style


Anne of Green Gables

Anne Shirley, a bright girl of 11, comes to Green Gables by pure accident. Being strong in self-esteem and talktive, she has problems adapting in Prince Edward Island. She had her most strong conflicts with Gilbert Blythe, a handsome young boy who was very ambitious as Anne. This rivalry relationship commenced when Gilbert called her carrots to appeal her. Anne was humiliated and made a deep promise not to ever-ever talk about Gilbert Blythe again in her life. Surprisingly, when the boat sank down where Anne was lying whilst playing the 'Lily Maid', Anne had to hold on to a stub when Gilbert came down to save her. After the landing, Anne still refused to forgive him. Gilbert couldn't hold it any moment now-he said he would never forgive her too.
  This rivalry continued even when Anne entered the Queen's. She had been suffering under the entering exam to the Queen's, thinking of Gilbert Blythe laughing with truimph in his eyes with the result list in his hands.
  The most impressive part was Anne lying to Marilla about the lost brooch-that she had accidently let it fall into the Lake of Shining Waters- to go to the Sunday picnic. Instead, Marilla broke the promise that she would send her to the picnic when Anne confessed and sent her to the east gables. Soon later, Marilla finds the brooch in her shawl, dangling dangerously. She learns that Anne had been telling the truth that she had left the brooch back on the bureau and learned she had been careless not considering whether Anne was telling the truth.
  I thought this book showed strong love that joyed people' hearts, even the cold heart of Marilla, created by a little orphan girl called Anne. It also showed the old-American life&culture by taking place in Prince Edward Island.


Sounder by William H. Armstrong

This story is about a Negro boy and his dog, Sounder. Being a Negro, his father hunts animals while his mother sells 2 pound nuts everday. One morning the boy wakes up and smells an odor that hasn't existed in his house for years. Bacon! But that night a sherrif takes care of his dad for stealing bacon from the food storage last night. Sounder barks and barks for his own master but the sherrif shots him in the ear as a reply. Consequently, Sounder disappears into the dark. Boy's mother promises him that he would be somewhere quiet, preparing for his own death. The boy neglects the promise. Everyday, he searches for Sounder which always results in failure. One day, his mother sends him to the state jail where his father was. The boy brings a cake-the security shouts at him and crushes his father's cake- I was so humiliated about the security's attitude towards the Negro boy. The book shows the blacks were severly discriminated in early 1970s.
  The Negro boy is taught by a local Englishman and his father soon returns from jail. I was very sorry for them, and their destiny for being a sharecropper, not being able to either read or write. It's very fortunate to live in a country without discrimination. I almost cried when I heard that his father died while hunting with his royal dog, Sounder.
  The Negro boy, despite the problems happening in his home,  was very fortunate for being able to learn and become a rich gentleman. He had also learned how to fight the barriers that tried to stop his eagerness and hope.