
Science 101-Biology -the story

Mirale woke up. She looked around and realized that she was riding a canoe. Her family were there looking at something.
 "Look." Michael gestured towards a collection of big jelly blobs-which I mean cells of course.
 "That one is called a tissue." A wheezy voice talked. It was the worker who had given them the brochure.
"A tissue is a collection of cells. They work together to perform a particular function. There are four primary types of tissue:
1. Epithelial tissue they are the guard of body surfaces and makes specific substances
2. Muscle tissue move. They produce movement so that we can walk, run, jump, and do all kinds of things. This muscle is attached to the bones. If you don't have any muscles and only bones, Your body will either collaspe or stay still. Now, these muscles come in three forms-remember: voluntary muscle, involuntary muscle and cardiac muscle. Voluntary muscle volunteer if they want to activate or not. Put your right hand up please-yes the reason why you were able to put your hand up was because of the voluntary muscle. 
  Involuntary muscle have no rights to choose if they want to commence acting or not. They have to get activated automatically. For example, such as that of the intestine; the stomach starts activating when foods come pouring down, and you don't have to say "stomach activate" in your mind. Cardiac muscle are found only in the heart. The continues on beating even though there are no stimulating objects from outside. They keep beating when you are studying, they keep beating when you're running(bit more faster), they keep beating even when you're asleep.....
3. Connective tissue connect. Right. As the words say: connect, like a bridge. They support, pack, and defense. Connective tissue includes bones, cartilage, blood, and lymph
4. Nervous tissue consists of neurons, or nerve cells. They conduct electrochemical impulses in our body. Neurons response to stimuli, control and communicate.

"Oh no." Michael fainted. A massive wave of liquid was coming towards them. Mirlae picked up an oar and started rowing. "You don't need to......" the worker couldn't finish his word. Mirale lost her equilibrium and fell over the boat. Mr. McHill reached out for her hand, but the current was too strong, and he lost his grip.
 " She will be ok. No need to be anxious." the worker comforted Mr. McHill.
 Meanwhile, the fast current helped Mirale to swim back to the boat. But instead of climbing aboard, Mirale took out a pair of waterproof stick-gloves and sticked on to the under-side of the canoe. She had excellent skills as an atheletic spy. Mirale wanted to find out the mystery of the biological theme park.
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