
Science 101-Biology -the story

chap.4 Unexpected Events
  "Finished?" Mirale asked carefully, trying not to stimulate her father to talk about cells more. "Well, we haven't escaped this ugly blob yet." Michale said.
  "We learned about the 'gate keepers'. Maybe we could use that fact to escape here." Mrs. McHill proposed.
  "We are bigger than water molecules, so it means that we need a carrier molecule to get out of here. But where in the world...."
  "Ah! Here it is!" Michael held up a bottle labeled 'Human carrier molecule'.
 The McHill family started smudging the liquid inside the bottle on their body and soon, they were out.

Outside, everything was covered in fog. Mirale and Michael wanted to go back home, but their parents kept walking uphill until they approached a door which led to some-uh....... a tollbooth without any windows.
  Mirale got frustrated. What was this boring theme park all about?

Her mother, father, and even Michael had already gone through the door. It was her turn to go inside.
  Everything looked pitch dark inside. She reached out her hand and touched for her parents, but nothing was felt except the cold air.
  "Michael?" She called out but her voice echoed-no reply. It was odd, that her voice echoed inside the small tollbooth. Mirale was infuriated at herself for showing her father the invitation card in the first place.
  'Nothing will get better if I don't help them.' she thought and stepped inside, with her chest puffed of half-courage and half-dread.
  The door slammed shut behind her. Mirale tried to open the door but it was locked. Now it was totally dark.
   She stretched out her hand and she could touch the wall surrounding her. WHERE ARE THEY? She was now furious. They couldn't have gotten out of here without a backdoor. Somewhere an exit..... She stepped closer to the wall but as she stepped forward, a trapdoor opened and the gravity pulled her down.....down.......down. Mirale McHill passed out mercifully.

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